Website Development

Web Development

Web Application Development means developing and maintaining the websites all over the internet. Website Development is the most basic marketing tool to describe the services and facilities of company on the web. Every company shares its information about their products and services to promote their business and to reach the potential clients by using the various web technologies like Dot Net, PHP, Joomla, Drupal & WordPress. Web applications are business strategies and policies implemented on the Web through the use of User, Business and Data services. These tools are where the future lies.


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Websites are the threads that weave the buyer and the seller together. When there is huge demand and stiff competition, the advertising has to be good. Hence, at Digital Suntech we keep in mind that the websites are developed in a way that accomplishes the purpose of it being made.

Website Development can be termed as a process of creation and change of scripting and coding languages like HTML, XML etc. There are a wide range of aspects of web development such as designing of interface, web graphic design search engine optimization and much more. Languages like XML, Flash, HTML, etc. are required for Website development. Now days, more and more websites are being created. People from varied field want to have a website in order to get connected with other people. Businesses cannot afford not to have a website in order to reach out to their customers. The whole process of Website Development can be broken into segments which are Client side coding and server side coding. Client side coding process enables interaction within the web page. Its scripting languages include JavaScript. The server side coding sends the information to the server to be processed and includes languages such as PHP, ASP etc.

The Phases in a Web Application Project

At Digital Suntech, Web application development process has 4 phases:


Envisioning the nature and direction of the project.

In this phase, the management and developers assigned to the project come together and establish the goals that the solution must achieve. This includes recognizing the limitations that are placed on the project, scheduling, and versioning of the application. By the end of this phase, there should be clear documentation on what the application will achieve.

Devising the plan.

In this phase, the established goals are elaborated and proper methods are planned to achieve the target. A step by step plan is formulated which needs to be followed by everyone. It is explained with all the details that the client requires and assigned to the team members. Planning helps the team to work in an orderly manner.


In this phase, the head assign different role to the team which each person will achieve like designing, development, researching, etc. A timeframe is established in which each one has to complete his task. Each member then gets started with his assigned role within a given time frame. Once the task is complete they report back to the head.

Testing, support and stability.

This is the final stage, where once the project is completed from teams side it is tested for any issues. If there are any issues then the team solve then and it is sent to client for review. If there are any changes or issues from the client side, full support is provided. Even after the project is completed the projects is maintained for its stability.
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